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Sudan one of the ‘worst humanitarian disasters in
recent memory’, UN warns
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After a year of war in Sudan, what is the situation now?
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We are partnering with Sudanese humanitarian organizations to deliver essential aid, including food, water, medicine, and shelter to those trapped in war zones. Our brave team members are working tirelessly in these dangerous areas to alleviate the suffering of innocent civilians.


Over 10 million children in Sudan have been repeatedly exposed to deadly violence over the past year of war.

Nearly 4 million children are malnourished, and thousands of others risk death from disease as the country’s health system has all but collapsed. 19 million children are out of school. Your donation to the Children’s Emergency Fund helps our teams respond quickly to children living in crisis in Sudan and around the world.

Sudan is quickly becoming the world’s largest hunger crisis

  • Famine risk as more than one in three people are suffering from acute hunger
  • A new report by the IRC and the Cash Consortium of Sudan stresses importance of cash programming
  • Markets remain active and stocked with food, but people are not able to afford it due to increased prices
  • “Providing people with cash sparks spending, helps people afford food and other essential goods, and strengthens the local businesses people rely on during crises,” says Eatizaz Yousif, the IRC Country Director for Sudan

Help Children and Refugees in Sudan 

  • Sudan now has the highest number of internally displaced people – 7.1 million – on earth. 
  • Over 9 million children in Sudan are facing severe food shortages due to conflict disrupting crop production.
  • During the first 11 days of the war, on average, 7
    children have been killed or injured EVERY HOUR.

Please Donate Generously:

We are partnering with Sudanese humanitarian organizations to deliver essential aid, including food, water, medicine, and shelter to those trapped in war zones. Our brave team members are working tirelessly in these dangerous areas to alleviate the suffering of innocent civilians.

They Need Your Help

Sudan War Crisis

Sudanese People suffering from the war that started in April 2023, in the Sudanese capital Khartoum between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Force (RSF). The deadly conflict has forced over 8.6 million people to flee their homes and more than 14,000 people have been killed. With no end to the violence in sight, people are desperately seeking safety and protection, both inside Sudan and in bordering countries such as Chad, South Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Central African Republic. Inside Sudan, the humanitarian situation remains dire due to ongoing fighting and shortages of food, water, and fuel, limited communications and electricity, and very high prices of essential items. Health care has been critically affected and there are severe shortages of medicines and vital supplies.


They Need Your Help

Sudan War Crisis

Sudanese People suffering from the war that started in April 2023, in the Sudanese capital Khartoum between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Force (RSF). The deadly conflict has forced over 8.6 million people to flee their homes and more than 14,000 people have been killed. With no end to the violence in sight, people are desperately seeking safety and protection, both inside Sudan and in bordering countries such as Chad, South Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Central African Republic. Inside Sudan, the humanitarian situation remains dire due to ongoing fighting and shortages of food, water, and fuel, limited communications and electricity, and very high prices of essential items. Health care has been critically affected and there are severe shortages of medicines and vital supplies.



Over 10 million children in Sudan have been repeatedly exposed to deadly violence over the past year of war.

Nearly 4 million children are malnourished, and thousands of others risk death from disease as the country’s health system has all but collapsed. 19 million children are out of school. Your donation to the Children’s Emergency Fund helps our teams respond quickly to children living in crisis in Sudan and around the world.

Sudan is quickly becoming the world’s largest hunger crisis

  • Famine risk as more than one in three people are suffering from acute hunger
  • A new report by the IRC and the Cash Consortium of Sudan stresses importance of cash programming
  • Markets remain active and stocked with food, but people are not able to afford it due to increased prices
  • “Providing people with cash sparks spending, helps people afford food and other essential goods, and strengthens the local businesses people rely on during crises,” says Eatizaz Yousif, the IRC Country Director for Sudan

Help Children and Refugees in Sudan 

  • Sudan now has the highest number of internally displaced people – 7.1 million – on earth. 
  • Over 9 million children in Sudan are facing severe food shortages due to conflict disrupting crop production.
  • During the first 11 days of the war, on average, 7 children have been killed or injured EVERY HOUR.

Please Donate Generously:


Greater Chicago Sudanese American Association (GCSAA) is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3) registered in the U.S. GCSAA  is dedicated to offering assistance and relief, enhancing health and nutrition, ensuring access to clean water, and advancing educational and economic development for underprivileged communities in Sudan and Sudanese individuals residing in the USA.

What We Do?

Your Donations are Helping Us Provide:



Pure Water


To Struggling Families in Sudan

Temporary shelter
Water storage kits

Sudan Conflict: Frequently Asked Questions

When did the conflict in Sudan begin?

The conflict in Sudan began on April 15, 2023. 

The eruption of fighting came as Sudan is facing its worst-ever humanitarian crisis with conflict, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and economic degradation resulting in 15.8 million people—about a third of the population, and more than half of them children—needing humanitarian support.

Before the current conflict, Sudan had already been grappling with violence and displacement since the onset of the Darfur crisis in 2003.

How has the conflict in Sudan impacted health facilities?

Since the violence broke out in April, Save the Children has been forced to close 57 of its nutrition facilities, with 31,000 children missing out on treatment for malnutrition and related illnesses across the country.

In the 108 facilities where Save the Children operates, therapeutic food stocks are running critically low, with buffer stock, or emergency supplies, now being used in the most extreme cases.

What is life like for children and families in Sudan who are fleeing conflict?

Millions of desperate families fleeing conflict are now sheltering wherever they can find safety, including in schools, in camps, with relatives, and in some cases out in the open. Many families have been displaced multiple times when the place they were seeking safety came under attack. 

Many communities where newly displaced families are arriving are already facing challenges as a result of existing crises, with basic services already overstretched.

Where are Sudan refugees fleeing to?

According to the UNHCR, Chad has received the largest number of people (260,390), followed by Egypt (255,565), South Sudan (178,560), Ethiopia (26,801) and Central African Republic (17,227). In South Sudan, most of those arriving are returning nationals who had been living in Sudan as refugees.

Without a resolution to the crisis, hundreds of thousands more people will be compelled to flee in search of refuge and basic assistance.

How does the number of displaced people in Sudan compare to that of other countries?

The number of displaced people in Sudan now eclipses other war-torn countries with massive internal displacements, including the next highest country, Syria (with 6.6 million people), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (6.1 million people) and Ukraine (5.1 million people). 

How many people in Sudan have been displaced due to the conflict?

At least 7.1 million people, including an estimated 3.3 million children, are now displaced from their homes across Sudan. This number has nearly doubled since devastating conflict ripped through the country in mid-April. 

How is Save the Children helping children and families in Sudan who have been displaced by conflict?

Save the Children is bringing together the best of our experience in humanitarian emergencies and long-term programs and working with partners to ensure that urgently needed support reaches children and families in Sudan and neighboring countries.

Your donation to the Children’s Emergency Fund supports this life-saving work.